Business protection

We all understand the need to protect ourselves and our family in the event of unexpected illness or death. As a business owner, there is also the added concern if either of these things were to happen to you.

What would happen to your family if you died prematurely?

  • would they take over the business? Have they the experience/expertise?
  • would the other partner/s in the business be happy for this to happen?
  • have you discussed this with your family/business partner/s?
  • are there any formal arrangements in place should you or your business partner/s fall ill or die?

These are just a few of the questions which need to be looked at when considering how best to protect you, your family and your business in the event of your illness/death or that of a partner or key employee.
Talk to us to obtain a clear picture of your current position and look at the most effective ways to protect you and your business going forward.